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- 1. Paste the first code in the HEAD of your HTML document
- 2. Add the last coding to the BODY of your HTML document -->
- <!-- STEP ONE: Paste the first code in the HEAD of your HTML document -->
- <HEAD>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- <!-- Original: Matthew Hoesch (mdih@msn.com) -->
- <!-- This script and many more are available online from -->
- <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascriptsource.com -->
- <!-- Begin
- function display (Name, Number, Weight, Melt, Freeze) {
- document.table.name.value=Name;
- document.table.number.value=Number;
- document.table.weight.value=Weight;
- document.table.melt.value=Melt;
- document.table.freeze.value=Freeze;
- }
- // End -->
- </script>
- <!-- STEP TWO: Add the last coding to the BODY of your HTML document -->
- <BODY>
- <center><h2>Periodic Table of the Elements</h2>
- <p>
- <form>
- <table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 width=500>
- <tr>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#FFE4C4"><a
- href="javascript:display('Hydrogen','1','1.0079','-259.14C','-252.87C');">H</a></td>
- <td colspan="16"></td>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#FFE4C4"><a
- href="javascript:display('Helium','2','4.0026','-272C @ 26ATM','-268.6C');">He</a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#5F9EA0"><a
- href="javascript:display('Lithium','3','6.94','180.54 C','1347 C');">Li</a></td>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#5F9EA0"><a
- href="javascript:display('Beryllium','4','9.01218','1278 C','2970 C');">Be</a></td>
- <td colspan="10"></td>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#FF4500"><a
- href="javascript:display('Boron','5','10.81','2300 C','2550 C');">B</a></td>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#FFE4C4"><a
- href="javascript:display('Carbon','6','12.011','3500 C','4827 C');">C</a></td>
- <td align=center bgcolor="#FFE4C4"><a
- href="javascr